Sunday, February 21, 2016

Another Zocchi scratch built, a Federation Juggernaught.

Brown coat Navy DDs using lightning bug engines. Minis are AOG B5 fleet action Drazi ships.

Universal scale device shown

Maybe my favorite of my Zocchi starship miniature bashes a Drone frigate

 Drone frigate made from a Zocchi DN saucer and engine and a Zocchi heavy cruiser hull too, drone launchers are WW2 1/700 IJN life boats.

Zocchi kitbashed drone cruiser

A Zocchi DN with the hull reversed and engines removed to add drone launchers.

A Zocchi bash light experiment 

Movie Beauty shoot

A Zocchi SFB startrek kit bash.

A Zocchi SFB startrek kit bash. Hull is a cap from new leads

Zocchi miniatures Starfleet kitbashes Star Trek for United Federation of Planets

A ADB war destroyer with a Zocchi Tug Pod

A ADB war destroyer with a Zocchi DN hull added, dishes are removed to make it a thru deck carrier

A Zocchi Tug added to A Zocchi DN hull for a four engine BB

A Zocchi DN with rear engines removed, rear dish removed for a Light Carrier

A Zocchi DN with rear engines reversed, top engine removed  to make a BC

A Zocchi DN with the hull and engines reversed, top engine removed and a sensor pod added.

A Zocchi DN with the hull reversed engines reversed and keeping the top engine, a Short DN, to increase shield efficiency by decreasing shielded area.  

A Zocchi DN with top engine removed and torpedo launcher (Citadel paint jar tab) added

A Zocchi DN with top engines in the hull and top engine removed for a "Plasma" DN

Saturday, February 13, 2016

A Babylon 5 wars Brakiri Cruiser from Agents of gaming. This mini almost painted herself..

A Babylon 5 wars Brakiri Cruiser from Agents of gaming. This mini almost painted herself..

A Babylon 5 wars Brakiri Cruiser from Agents of gaming. This mini almost painted herself..
I gave her a homemade decal I made in MS Paint.

A Babylon 5 wars Brakiri Cruiser from Agents of gaming. This mini almost painted herself..

Bandai White Lyon ship added to my IJN (Imperial Japanese Navy) Full Thrust Fleet.

Bandai White Lyon ship added to my IJN Full Thrust Fleet.

Bandai White Lyon ship added to my IJN Full Thrust Fleet.

Bandai Shamsi ship added to my SKOR (Space Korean) Full Thrust Fleet.

Bandai Shamsi ship added to my SKOR (Space Korean) Full Thrust Fleet.

Bandai Shamsi ship added to my SKOR (Space Korean) Full Thrust Fleet.